DSiN ten-year congress: “Security derives from responsibility”

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Prof. Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) and member of DSiN’s advisory board participated at the ten year anniversary conference of  ‘Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V.’(DSiN). Dr Thomas Kremer (DSiN Chairman) delivered the welcome speech and Dr Thomas de Maizière, (Federal Minister of the Interior) spoke on the principle of "Security derives from responsibility".

Helmbrecht together with representatives from government and industry were among the panel speakers on the “Triangle for IT security - regulation, technology, education”. Panellists discussed the increasing digitisation which is transforming into a core foundation for business, society and government, while looking into the challenges this brings to the legal framework, the security of services and devices (PbD), and citizens’ e-skills and awareness of the digital environment. The underlying notion of the associated responsibility and the importance of trust and safety, was key part of the discussion. 

Udo Helmbrecht highlighted “the latest initiatives of the European Commission, notably the NIS Directive and the GDPR,  can contribute towards addressing key technical challenges and act as a tool to build trust and a more resilient environment for businesses and citizens”. His recommendations for the future include: standardisation of IT security, ‘friendly’ and ‘neutral’ technological legislative initiatives, and a secure network structure using strong encryption.

ENISA reiterated its commitment and support to DSiN and public-private partnerships (PPPs) which help address business and consumer/citizens needs at a regional, national and EU level and the advancement of the DSM objectives.

The event is live streamed. For more information visit http://dsin-jahreskongress.de/

Background: DsiN strengthens the security awareness of consumers as well as small and medium-sized enterprises on the Internet and provides concrete support. DsiN was founded in the National IT Summit of the Federal Government and has been under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of the Interior since 2007 (source: DSiN).

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